A Tea Stall Paragraph For Any Class

Masud Rana
... min to read
A tea stall is a small shop where ready tea is served to the customers. It is usually found at the turn of a road, in the bus stand, near an office or a factory or a launch ghat. A tea stall is not well furnished. There is an oven where a kettle is kept burning. There is also a pan of milk to prepare tea. It has a few chairs benches and tables. Hot tea, biscuits, bread, banana, betel leaf and cigarettes are sold here. It opens early in the morning and closes late hours at night. There is a boy to serve tea to the customers. The manager sits at the entrance of a tea stall and receives money from the customers. It is a meeting place of all kinds of people. The customers refresh themselves with a cup of tea. While taking tea they talk about various problems and incidents of the society and the state. They most often talk about politics. Sometimes they raise a storm over a cup of tea. In fact, a tea stall is a busy place because it is a favorite resort for the all kinds of people. Some people come here to refresh themselves with a cup of tea. Others just come here to idle away their time.
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