Green house effect is an impending for the existing human beings, animals, plants and above all, all the phenomena of the world. It is associated with the global warming. The temperature of the world is increasing gradually. Carbon di oxide is the main culprit which is being deposited gradually in the atmosphere. It is generally produced when the fossil fuel is burnt. Carbon di oxide entraps the heat in the atmosphere. As a result, the temperature of the world is on the increase. CFC contributes devastatingly to the green house effect. The refrigerator which is used in our daily life is also producing CFC. CFC is also used in manufacturing goods, packaging commercial products, in aerosol etc. This CFC is responsible to a great extent for green house effect. The adverse effect of the green house effect is very disastrous. It is feared that by the mid century the world temperature will increase 4 degree Celsius. The polar ice caps have started to melt. Sea level is rising. Consequently, the lower regions of the world will go under water, and the southern regions of Bangladesh will also go under water. This catastrophic disaster must be checked. It is to be done to save our existence.
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