Nowadays Tree Plantation is a common term to all of us. We know that trees maintain the balance of our environment. But, at present, our environment is at stake because of indiscriminate cutting of trees. So, we have no way other than tree plantation. The rainy season is the proper time for tree plantation. It is the time when the environment is the most suitable one for the rapid growth of trees. We should plant trees according to its suitability with the soil. There are many unused lands around us. We can plant saplings on these lands. Sea beaches, low-lying areas, road sides etc. can be brought under the scheme of tree plantation. We can easily engage landless people to look after the saplings and ensure their safe growth. It will benefit those landless people and protect our environment. The success of tree plantation program requires a united effort. The Government, the NGOS and the educated section of the society should work together in this regard. The job can be easily done by creating awareness among the general people. Individual attempts will never be successful in this regard. So, we all should work together. The importance of tree plantation cannot be described in words. The most important thing is that tress keep the environment balanced. Trees are the only source of food of all animals including human being. They give shelter to wild animals and birds. They provide us with cloth, medicine. Building materials etc. Trees reduce the extent of soil erosion. They keep us away from an extreme climate. Above all, trees give us oxygen without which our existence on earth is quite impossible. Therefore, tree plantation is a must for us. The very existence of human being on earth depends on trees. So, it is important for us to undertake massive tree plantation program. Everybody should come forward spontaneously to contribute to this noble campaign.
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