Dowry is a social curse. It springs from the male dominated society. A section of male members of the society think that taking dowry is their right. At the time of marriage a sum of money or wealth is taken by force from the bride's parents/guardians by the husbands. And really the bride's parents are the worst victims of the curse of dowry. Despite being poor, the parents of the bride meet up the demand of the bridegroom. As a result the victims become poorer. Dowry system affects not only a particular family but also affects the whole society. Dowry is the worst example of gender discrimination. It hampers the harmony of the society. I think that this barbarous tradition of the Dark Age should be stopped anyhow. Tough punishment should be given out to these greedy criminals. Bangladesh Government has already made some laws to root out this vice. I think that human right organisations and NGOs should come forward to stop this curse. But the laws should be followed strictly. Social awareness should be created among all the people of the society. But after all the female victims should be educated and conscious enough to safeguard their own interest.
Dowry System Paragraph For All Class
Atkiya Maisha Ekra
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