
A Garment Worker Paragraph For Any Class

The garments industry is the main source of earning foreign exchange in our country. About 70% of our total foreign income comes from the garments sector. A garment worker in our country is usually a person from poor or lower-middle-class family. About 80% of the total garment workers in our country are women. They have no education in the garments industry. The working condition in a garments factory is not healthy. The workers work in congested and hot rooms. Fire accidents often take place in the garments factories in our country. As a result, the workers suffer from want of safety. Besides, the workers are to work with heavy machines and tools which cause harm to their lungs. So they suffer from many diseases like asthma and bronchitis. Again, there is a want of cordial employer-worker relationships in the garments factories of our country. This worsens the standard of work of the workers. In order to develop the atmosphere in a garment factory, the employers have to adopt safety measures for the workers against fire accidents, develop the employer-worker relationship and pay them sufficiently. The employers also should be careful about the health of the workers.

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