
Duties Of A Student Composition For Any Class

 Student life is the most useful and valuable period in a man's life. This is the time when the seeds of a future life are sown. For this, it is called the sowing season in our life. During this period a student has to do certain things to be successful and happy in his future life. The principal duty of a student is to study and acquire knowledge on various things. He must study according to a routine. He has to be attentive to his studies and teachers. He should also read newspapers, magazines, literature, history, etc. A student should remember that character is the crown of a man, So, he has to cultivate good manners and other noble virtues. All moral qualities like honesty, modesty, truthfulness, discipline, perseverance, sincerity, punctuality must be acquired during this period. He should also render some services to his society and country. He should make the illiterate literate. He can make the farmers aware of the modern methods of cultivation. In population control, he can play an important role. A student must obey and honour his parents. When they are sick, helpless or old, he must serve them He should also be obedient to his teachers and other superiors. A student must not waste his time and energy. So, he must possess sound health by taking regular physical exercise and taking part in games and sports. Moreover, he must always avoid evil company. Besides, a student may have the knowledge of politics but he must not take part in active politics. It is because many political parties and their unethical leaders use them only for their selfish interests. In case of national emergencies like floods, tornadoes, storms, etc, he must not sit idle. He must extend his helping hands during these times. To reap the good and expected harvest of success in the future, a student must sow good seeds during his student life. Otherwise, it will bring him an utter failure, untold sorrows, miseries, and repentance.

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