
My Aim In Life Composition For Any Class

Man aims for his future. Aimless life is like a boat without a rudder that can never reach its goal. So, to succeed in life one should have a future plan from one's early life. This is called an aim in life. So, it can be said that one's aim is one's future plan for life. As I am studying now, I believe, this period is a unique opportunity to do something to succeed in life. I dream of becoming a teacher. I know, it is a very hard task, but I want to develop my nation. A teacher can lead the nation to the highest stage of prosperity if he can properly teach the students with his ideal. I want to serve the nation through proper teaching. A good teacher lives in the mind of the people of a nation forever. Our nation is a poor one. Illiteracy is a vital cause of our poverty. It is the root of all of our obstacles. If our students are properly educated, they can alleviate poverty. By being a teacher, I am determined to serve the nation. In order to fulfill my future plan, I must acquire some degrees. I sympathize all students who fail in English. So, I want to be an English teacher. After passing my HSC Examination, I will get myself admitted to the Honour's class in English. After my Honours and Master's degrees, I will join a college to teach the students with my best effort. I would like to choose a rural area in my working place. I would like to serve my country sincerely. The condition of English in our country is very poor. I would like to improve it. If our nation is capable enough to communicate internationally, she can easily reach her destination to prosperity. Though English is a foreign language, we cannot do without it in this age. I shall teach my students the four skills of language, listening, speaking, reading and writing within the shortest possible time. I pray to Allah for the success of my future plan. I have been studying heart and soul so that I can have a strong command over English. Apart from the school texts, I regularly go through English newspapers, magazines, periodicals, journals, etc. to improve my stock of vocabulary. I hope I will be able to turn my aim or future plan into reality by the grace of Allah.

লেখা-লেখি করতে ভালোবাসেন? লেখালেখির মাধ্যমে উপার্জন করতে যুক্ত হতে পারেন আমাদের সাথে Telegram এ!
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