
Physical Exercise Composition For Any Class

For a healthy and disease-free life, physical exercise is the best medicine. Physical exercise means the movement of the limbs and organs of our body according to rules. Physical exercise is essential for sound health because it helps our body to be active. By taking regular physical exercise, we can keep ourselves fit. There are different kinds of exercises like freehand exercises, yoga, weight lifting, gymnastics, acrobatics and so on. Freehand exercises help one to get sound health. Weight lifting is for professional players, but walking is good for all. For the children, running, swimming and playing ordinary games are suitable. The importance of physical exercise in our practical life is very great. It helps us build a sound body. It helps us keep away from diseases. It is extremely helpful for a sound mind in a sound body. However, excess of anything is bad. One should take exercises following the rules with proper diet and rest, otherwise, he will suffer. In our country, some people do not take physical exercise. They think that it is the unnecessary and mere killing of time. But, in fact, by taking physical exercise, we can remain healthy and do our respective jobs properly. Without physical exercise, our health breaks down and we suffer from various diseases and complications. Also, there is a dire need for having a proper diet according to the exercise pattern. We should take exercise according to our age and condition of our bodies. Then we can be benefited very easily from every kind of exercise. Physical exercise is necessary to build a nation free from diseases. Healthy children are healthy citizens of the future. So, we should all take physical exercise regularly as a part and parcel of our daily life.

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