Grasp all, Lose all paragraph for any class

Masud Rana
... min to read
We recognize that if we have a heap of factors earlier than us and need to pick out them up altogether, we're bound to fail within the attempt due to the fact our trips aren't spacious enough to deal with them all on the equal time. All the things will fall off and we shall go through a total loss. If however, we choose them up one after the other and comfortable each in our ownership, we shall be in a function to get them all. Thus, as opposed to coming to a total loss via looking to capture the entirety at a time, we need to pick out up best a lot of the matters in every attempt as our grips can hold. Wisdom teaches us that fulfillment comes one after some other and guy have to process little by little. If a person actions approximately in all the spheres of his objectives at the identical time, he will never reach his goal and ultimately, he's going to come to frustration and grief.
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