
A Fox And A Goat Story Writing

Once a thirsty fox happened to fall into a well. He tried his best to get out of it but in vain. After a while a goat came there for a drink. As the goat peeped in, he saw the fox inside the well. "What are you doing there at the bottom of the well?" asked the goat.The cunning fox was glad to see the goat and at once made a plan. He invited the goat and said, "My friend, this well is famous for its sweet water. I have jumped in and I'm drinking to my heart's content. If you want a taste of it yourself, please jump into it."Without a second thought the foolish goat jumped into the well. The fox at once leaped on the goat's back, then on to his long horns and got out of the well. Before leaving the place he looked back into the well and said. "Foolish goat, look before you leap."

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