A beggar is a known figure in our society. He is a person who begs alms from door to door or on the streets. He is generally found wandering about in a locality or in a market place. He looks strange with his dirty and torn wearing. A beggar is regarded as a burden to the society and begging is treated as a social vice. Begging gives nothing to the society rather it creates various problems. A beggar attracts A the notice of other people by shouting and then stretches out his hand for help. This is the most disgraceful scene for humankind. Besides, people feel disgusted with the loud cry of the beggar. A beggar pollutes the neat and clean atmosphere of public places. Above all, beggars are the idle people who creates a pressure on the socio-economic condition of the country. Begging creates the habit of idleness and irresponsibility in a beggar. It cripples the mind of the beggar and hampers the feeling of self respect in him/her. Finally he or she is degraded to the level of a beast. There are a number of reasons behind this problem. Extreme poverty is the main cause of this problem. Many a men in our country live below the poverty line. Again they have not the minimum skill to do any work. So, they take begging as their way of living. Yet there are some disabled persons who are bound to beg for their livelihood. Thus extreme poverty forces a person to beg for survival. However, begging has now become a business for many. Some beggars take advantage of the religious sentiment of the people of our country. Many able-bodied persons are seen begging here and there. So it is not only poverty but also greedy mentality of some persons which is responsible for this problem. Beggars has appeared as a problem everywhere in the country. The presence of beggars in the airport shows a bad image of our country. It brings disgrace to the society. This problem should be addressed soon. It is a matter of hope that the present government has taken steps to enlist the beggars all around the country. In this way the government will arrange some kinds of works for this type of people and employ them as soon as possible. Those who are really disable will be given a lump sum of money every month by the government. Besides, all beggars will be removed from the big cities to clean the environment. We hope to see beggar free Bangladesh soon.
A Beggar Paragraph

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