
A Moonlight Night Paragraph

The night when the full shaped moon showers its sweet beams is called a moonlit night. A moonlit night occurs once in a month in the bright half of the moon. In its bring half the moon becomes larger and its beams become brighter. A moonlight night is full of beauty and joy. Nature appears in its ancient features in a moonlit night. It produces an unspeakable magic spell on all objects, river, trees, buildings, large fields and mountains. The rays of the moon are of silvery colour. The sky looks like a vast sea of silvery water. There is flood of tender moon light all around. Sometimes the moon plays hide and seek behind the clouds. The landscape appears before us with its hidden charm. The city dwellers enjoy a moonlit night sitting on the roofs, playing guitars and singing songs. Sometimes the couple sit in the balcony and watch the scene outside. The soft light of the moon fills their minds with some divine charm. In the villages the children run about and play different games in a moonlit night. Young people sit here and there or walk by the riverside to observe the unspeakable beauty of the nature. The scene by the riverside seems most charming in a moonlit night. The rays of the moon have a wild attraction at dead of night. The birds come out of their nests. The animals leave their fold and move around. The moonlit night has a maddening effect on human mind. Poets of all ages have written many poems about the moonlit night. A moonlit night often makes us nostalgic with its balmy effect. I have a fresh memory of enjoying a moonlit night. It was the last Monday when I along with some of my friends made a journey by boat on the river Karatoa. It was a night bathed with moonlit and one of my friends played on flute. The night will remain ever fresh in my mind.

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