
Deforestation Paragraph

There is a close relationship between man and nature. Trees are the man's best friend in nature. But people cut trees thoughtlessly in a random way to meet his needs. Such indiscriminate cutting of trees is called deforestation. Deforestation is mainly done by human beings. People cut trees to meet up their basic needs of food, housing and making fire. For acquiring land, for cultivation and residential purpose people are destroying forest in a gross manner. Deforestation has many bad effects and it is now a global problem. Cutting down trees in a large number may harm the natural environment and it may become uninhabitable for human beings. Bangladesh has only 16% of forest whereas there should be forest on the 25% land of the total land area. With less trees we are in threat of losing our natural resources like fertile land and plenty of rainfall. Random cutting of trees may one day turn the whole country into desert. Less trees will lead to soil erosion and disturb our environmental balance. Again, deforestation gives rise to global temperature which in turn may cause the lower parts of the world including Bangladesh go under water. To save the country from this hazard we should take some steps. We can prevent soil erosion by planting trees on the bank of rivers and sea-shores. Government should take steps to make people interested in planting trees. We should strictly follow the rule of planting minimum four saplings after cutting one. Students should be encouraged to plant trees and take care of them. Every man and woman should remember that as long as there is sufficient trees we can survive well. Hopefully our people now-a days are more conscious about the dangers of deforestation.

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