At present eve-teasing is a burning question in Bangladesh. Recently it has grown to an alarming state owing to some unfortunate deaths. Eve-teasing is a euphemism for sexual harassment of women by men. Usually school or college going girls and women working at educational institutions, offices and factories become victims of this social evil. They are usually victimized by teenage boys, rickshaw pullers, bus drivers, street vendors, traffic police and sometimes suppressors or colleagues of the working women, according to a study of Bangladesh National Women Lawyers' Association. Making vulgar comments, whistling, throwing flying kisses, taking snaps and sending SMS or nude pictures through mobile phone, e-mail, internet etc. are the easiest means that the teasers use to harass their opposite sexes. Several reasons are active behind d this evil. But moral degradation and gender discrimination are the main among them. Eve-teasing leaves deep psychological effects on the victims. Sometimes they choose a cruel destiny like suicide. It also has a negative impact on girls education. The dropout list of the female students is extending in most of the mthoubs rural schools and colleges due to eve-teasing. This social evil needs to be stopped soon. Moral education, awareness raising programme regarding eve-teasing and empowerment of women should be ensured if we want to prevent eve-teasing. The government has already included section 509 to our penal code to bring the teasers to book. The Ministry of Education has also published a circulation giving directions to form an 'Eve-teasing Prevention Committee' in every institution throughout the country. Various social organizations and NGOs have started programmes for launching an anti eve-teasing campaign. So, we all should say 'no' to this social evil and the evil doers.
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