Health Is Wealth/Keeping In Good Health Paragraph

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An unhealthy man can not live a normal course of life. So there is a proverb that, 'Health is wealth'. A sound mind lives in a sound body. So good health means the sound state of the body and the mind. To have a good health one should follow certain rules of health. I follow the rules of health. Because it is essential to follow them. Balanced diet is necessary to maintain good health. Balanced diet means combination of foods containing carbohydrates, proteins, mineral, fats, oils and vitamins. Balanced diet does not mean only valuable foods. Cheap foods may make balanced diet. So all the people of our country may get good food for health if they are willing to. For having good health we should be careful while eating foods. The rich and educated persons are found taking morning walk regularly. They know that rising early in the morning and going to bed early at night can help a man remaining in good health. Again one should take regular exercise like walking, swimming, cycling etc. to keep fit. Drinking enough water is also necessary. Besides, taking exercise proper rest and repose is necessary. To keep in good health we should avoid dirty and stale food. We should avoid some bad habits to enjoy good health. Smoking or taking any kind of drug is harmful for physical and mental health. Besides, for a care-free and simple life is conducive to good health. So we should practice leading a care free life. As a student I know that if I want to serve the nation I must grow up physically and mentally fit. So, I personally maintain the general rules of health strictly.
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