To pass time in doing some interesting things other than one's regular duties is called leisure. Leisure helps us rejuvenate and recharge ourselves. It helps us to go back to our professional life with renewed energy and vigour. People of different areas enjoy their leisure in their own way. Life seems very simple in village areas. So, the village people spend their leisure in fishing, boating, swimming etc. Besides, enjoying jarigan and kabigan is another popular leisure for the village people. Some villagers spend their free time in the tea-stalls through gossiping. In the afternoon women gather together and share their feelings in groups. On the other hand, the city people are more reserved. They generally don't have scope to enjoy leisure in company with others. In leisure times they like to play games on computer, chatting on internet and talking with friends over mobile phones. Young generation of urban areas like to pass their leisure time attending the live concert of band and pop music. Sometimes, they entertain their friends and relatives around them. Many pass their leisure in playing different games. Playing cricket and ludo are very familiar as leisure for boys and girls respectively. Passing leisure sitting in front of T.V. set is very common for both men and women living in cities, People also like to pass their free time enjoying the natural sights which freshen their minds. They enjoy the superb natural scene of the late winter. In late winter nature remains incurable cool. Nature takes a great look at this time. The sky remains clear. There remains a flow of joy everywhere. Such weather is suitable for traveling. So, many people travel from one place to another to visit historical places. Especially, the students go on study tour in late winter. I like travelling at this period very much. I along with my friends go to a suitable spot to pass our leisure days. So, as per my evaluation, leisure opens the door of great enjoyment. Leisure is necessary for getting released of the monotony and mental pressure of our everyday life. However, leisure pursuit should have some merit. One should choose such type of pastime that can add some skill or potentiality to one's life.
How Leisure Pursuits/Pastime Paragraph

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