
My Family Paragraph

Family is known to be an Important economic and welfare institution. There are some destitute children in our society who are unlucky because they do not have any family. But the children who are born in a family are lucky. I feel lucky enough that I was born in a nuclear family at Bogra town. Our family consists of my father, mother and only younger sister. Our family is housed in a small building in the town. My father built it about ten years ago. I live happily with my nuclear family in this tiny apartment. In modern society nuclear family like ours is increasing. With the fast life style of modern world extended families are breaking down nuclear families are being formed. Industrialization and urbanization is also responsible for the increase of nuclear family. The rural people are becoming wage carners or employees in a million a factory situated in a further locality. Ä man working in a mill or a factory is likely to leave his extended family in the village and live at his working place with his wife and children only Again, the government or non- government employees are sometimes bound to live in cities in search of income. They also form nuclear families detached from their parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins. A nuclear family has some advantages. There grows an intensity of relationship in a nuclear family. The members can come to contact with each other frequently and share their feelings. In a nuclear family children enjoy the fullest attention of their parents. Parents can take care of children regarding their education and nutrition. Nuclear family is easy to maintain. The head of the family can meet the needs of all the members with his limited income. The members there feel happy to live a solvent life. Still there are some disadvantages of a nuclear family: Children in a nuclear family often feel lonely. They do not get the company of other children or their cousins who might be of the same age. So, children in a nuclear family suffer from the want of playmates. It is said that the children in a nuclear family have some deficiency in developing social behavior Such children also have a kind of self-centeredness. Though there are some disadvantages like nuclear family. It is the reality of modern age that we live in
a nuclear family. Nuclear family gives me better opportunity for education, health, security and recreation. No doubt. I sometimes feel lonely for want of Company of my own age. Yet I have scopes to go to my grandparents house several times a month and enjoy the company of my cousins. I am a student of eleven class and have been living in the family for seventeen years. As the eldest child 1 feel a great responsibility to my family. We enjoy all the facilities of living in the centre of the town We have electricity. gas and other amenities of modern life. We enjoy good sewerage and transport system. Our locality is free from any kind of violence and disturbance. The special attraction of the locality is the town's central park which is very nice and clean. I often go to spend time there with my family. It is a matter of regret that extended families are breaking down form nuclear families. But there is no denial that this process is the demand of the age.We can not say whether the society following the right way in supporting nuclear family but we can say that for happy and solvent life there is no alternative of nuclear family.

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