
Necessity Of Education Paragraph

If a nation stands for a human body education can be compared to its backbone. We need education to keep pace with modern civilization. It enriches the head. hand and heart of a human being in a harmonious way. Education refines our thought, teaches us some skill to earn for living and develops sensibility in us. Education is the manifestation of excellence in the life of a human being. As ignorance is compared to darkness so education is compared to light. Because education really removes the darkness lying in the mind of a person. It awakens the latent talents in a man. The light of education creates a sense of rationality in him/her. The rational view of life makes a man perfect and dignified. An educated man has the qualities of kindness, good manners as well as vast knowledge and creativity. His kindness and good feelings are aroused at the sight of the suffering of a human being. He can feel the sorrow of others and stretch out his helping hand. Again, an educated person is fully conscious about his own right as well as the same of the others. With this consciousness he/she is able to cope with the other people in the society. Thus education promotes a trend of peaceful coexistence among people living in the society. Besides, education shows a man the right path to go ahead. An educated person can take advantage of his/her creative faculty for positive change in his/her life. Education guides him/her to select the right track of change for the better. An educated person knows how to earn well and how to spend well. Education contributes to raise the standard of living of a person. An educated farmer can contribute to our economy by his developed knowledge of farming and preserving crops. An educated mother can bring her children up in a harmonious way and give us a healthy and brilliant generation. So we all should work hand in hand with the government to promote education.L

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