
Our Environment Paragraph

Our environment consists of the natural elements and man-made objects around us. So, air, water, soil, trees etc. make up the environment. The natural forces like storm. cyclone, water-surge and earthquake are also the elements of our environment. There exists a very close relationship among different elements of the environment. This relationship among different elements of the environment is called ecological balance. This ecological balance is very important for the existence of all elements of the environment. Each of the elements of the environment is bound with all other elements by a chain of action. If any part of this chain or web is disturbed, the whole environment will face a catastrophic change. For example, if trees are cut down randomly, there will be lees rainfall. Again, less rainfall will finally turn the whole country into desert. So, all the components of the environment are assets to human being, a But human beings are unknowingly causing harm to these assets. People are causing harm to our environment in many ways. Air is polluted by smoke and water is polluted by waste and filth. Such disturbance in ecological balance causes premature death to millions of people. Various chronic and fatal diseases are assets to human beings. prevalent due to imbalance in ecological situation. So, to save the environment form different types of disasters such as drought, flood, cyclone, earthquake and excessive rainfall, we need to maintain the ecological balance. We can maintain the ecological balance by planting more trees, saving wild animals, stopping the emission of harmful gases and checking indiscriminate discharge of toxic chemicals from mill and factories.

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