
The Shaheed Minar Paragraph

The Central Shaheed Minar is located beside the Dhaka Medical College at the premises of the University of Dhaka. It was built as a memorial of the martyrs who laid down their lives in 1952 during the historical Language Movement. Hamidur Rahman was the architect of this vital monument. The design of The Shaheed Minar focuses on the great Language Movement as its central concept. It reflects the love and aspiration of the people for their mother tongue. The basic horizontal and vertical forms of the Shaheed Minar signifies the concept of Bengali solidarity, unity and national identity. The vertical lines bring out the manifestation of inner strength. The four columns on both sides of the central structure reflect the balance and harmony of a u united stand. The red circle behind the central column signifies the sacrifice of the great heroes of the Language Movement. Thus the Shaheed Minar stands for the unified aspirations of Bengali identity and nationalism. The Shaheed Minar is not simply a memorial but something more. It plays a great importance and significance in our national life. It speaks for our national hope and aspiration. When I stand before Shaheed Minar, I feel honoured that no other nation in the world has the history of sacrificing life for the sake of mother tongue, I feel proud for having the Bengali identity. My heart lifts up with glory for those brave sons who had laid down their lives for our mother tongue.

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