
Unfair Means In The Examination Paragraph

An examination is given to judge the students' merit. So the whole process of giving an examination should be clean and fair. I like examinations to be fair and don't support unfair means. I am against unfair means in the examination because the adoption of unfair means by some students hampers the purpose of an examination. It obstructs the true judgment of a student's merit. There are many reasons of adopting unfair means by the students in examinations. In most of the educational institutions lessons are not imparted to the students according to aptitude. Most of the teachers are interested in private, tution rather than teaching in classes. Again, in many institutions the number of teachers is not sufficient in comparison to the large number of students. Besides, the students now a days feel more interested in so many things other than studying. They do not try to understand what they read. They are habituated to getting everything done by their private tutor. They pass their time gossiping in groups. Some of them waste their time being involved in political activities. They want to achieve a certificate through a short cut way. They cram their lessons without understanding. In the end, they hope to pass the bar of examination in any means fair or unfair. To prevent unfair means in the examinations the authority has taken some strict measures. The examinees are checked before they enter into the examination hall. The guarding system in the halls has been made strict. Punishment for being involved in this heinous act has been increased. The law enforcing agents are more alert to prevent unfair means in the examination. We have already begun to enjoy the good effects of these preventive measures. Beforehand the students, their guardians and even in some cases teachers were involved in adopting unfair means in the examinations. Copying in the examinations was so rampant in our country that it took the form of a national culture. But now it has been almost removed due to the preventive measures taken by the authority.

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