
Visiting Zoo Paragraph

A zoo is a vast restricted area where different kinds of wild animals are kept encaged for displaying. Visiting the zoo is a great charm for every person especially for the young ones. I always took interest in visiting zoo. The name of the zoo I visited was The National Zoo in Dhaka. On last Sunday, I along with some of my friends went to visit the zoo. It was situated at Mirpur in Dhaka. We went there by bus. After reaching the zoo we got our tickets and entered inside. It is the biggest zoo in our country covering a huge area of 313 acres of land. There were various kinds of birds and animals kept encaged for the visitors to see At first, we saw a large number of monkeys jumping and making hitching sounds. They were happily eating bananas and peanuts offered by the visitors. There were many kinds of birds of different sizes and colours. They were chirping in a melodious harmony. We also saw tigers, lions, bears and leopards moving about in their respective cages. The main attraction of the zoo was our national animal, The Royal Bengal Tiger. It was sitting in its cage like a king. The peacock with its colourful feather was also very attractive to us. Crocodiles and hippopotamus were the water animals that attracted our sight in the zoo. We stayed in the zoo for about two hours. Visiting the zoo, we learnt about the food habit, living and the characteristics of different animals. At that time I felt that visiting the zoo has not only a recreational value but also has an educative value. We all were very happy to explore the wild life in the zoo.

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