It is horrifying to look at a house on fire, Flames of fire, and wreaths of smoke are seen. It is very dreadful. It creates panic among the inmates of the house. They scream as soon as the house gets fire. They shout for help. Everybody near them comes hurriedly to extinguish the fire. They carry gunny bags, sacks, and water barrels to put out the fire. The total atmosphere is filled with havoc. The air is burnt and goes up. The fire brigades are brought and they try their best to extinguish the fire. A house on fire begets great damage to the house owner. It demolishes everything in the house. The owner may be turned into a pauper if the house is totally burnt on the fire. The inmates of the house may be swooned observing their house non-fire. The other inhabitants are alarmed. Everybody works together to get rid of it. Thus a house on fire is really dreadful and horrifying.
A House On Fire Paragraph

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