
A Journey By A Night Coach Paragraph

A journey by a night coach is not very pleasant. Once I experienced it. It was on 25 December 2004. My father and I were going to Dhaka from my home town, Laksham. We were going there to attend my uncle's marriage ceremony. Our coach started at Laksham at 10 p.m. The journey was pleasant. The night was dark. Nothing was seen by the sides of the road. Sometimes, I beheld the lights from the market places. The night was growing deeper and I began to sleep. After an hour, our bus stopped near a market place. When I woke up, I found that three members of the Bangladesh Police entered our conch and searched it. They left the couch within a very short time. After their departure, I tried to sleep. But I could not close my eyes. But when we were on Daudkandi Bridge, the driver of the bus braked and the bus stopped. At least 10 robbers were on the bus. One of them took the control of the bus and began to drive it slowly. The others started robbing the passengers. They bent my father and stabbed three other passengers. They looted many costly things. When our bus reached Magura Paper Mills, they got off the bus. The poor driver of the bus began to drive the bus again. I passed a sleepless night. I did not get any pleasure in the journey. I cannot forget my sad experience of the journey.

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