Festival means a day or period of religious or other celebrations. A village festival is a celebration of the village. It is held in an open place or before a temple or under a big tree. The villagers arrange it on the occasion of a Puja or other celebrations. Generally, it is performed once a year. Many people gather there. The villagers sell many things at this festival. Many lundieris of the villagers are shown and sold there. Sometimes, jatra, kabigan and puppet shows are performed there. These are the main attractions of a festival. People of all ages gather there. Sometimes, some truly young men create disturbance in the festival. This leads to serious consequences. Sometimes a boy or girl is kidnapped. If the fair lasts for a few days, its surroundings become unhygienic. Most of the fairs have no proper sanitation. The people who take food in the fairs are attacked with diarrhoea and dysentery. However, a village festival becomes the meeting place of the villagers.
A Village Fair Paragraph

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