A village primary school is a place where village children go to be educated. It has one or two buildings with inadequate amenities. Most of the village primary schools have only one building or one thatched house. The building has 3 or 4 rooms. In many places classes are held in two shifts, In the first shift, the classes start at 8 am, and continue till 12 pm. The students of classes one and two attend school then. The second shift starts at 12 p. m and continues till 4 p.m. The students of classes three, four, and five attend then. This is done for the advantage of the teachers. Because the number of teachers in a village primary school is inadequate. In many schools, only two or three teachers take the classes. It is impossible for them to take all the classes at a time. A primary school is situated in a noiseless place. But the students make the place noisy. When the classes continue, they make a lot of noise. There are some wicked students who disturb the classes. Some children use slang in their classes. A few children do not want to obey their teachers. The Teachers of a primary school are tolerant, They behave well with the students. But they have to work in a noisy atmosphere. A village primary school is really a noisy place,
A Village Primary School Paragraph

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