A Day Labor Paragraph

Transmission Robot
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A day labor is a man who lives from hand to mouth. He usually lives in a slum or in a small hut. He has no good house of his own. So, he lives in a rented house. He is much known to all. Generally, he is a laborious and strong bodied man. Every day he gets up early in the morning. Then he takes his birth and takes some stale rice or breakfast and goes out of doors in search of work. He does different types of jobs such as carrying bricks, wood, stones, mud and digging pons constructing of roads, buildings etc. He builds our buildings, industries, bridges and thus he serves our country. He works from morning to afternoon. Sometimes he works morning to midnight. He gets his wages at the end of his work/ at the end of the day. Then he goes to market to buy his daily goods and he returns home. He has always been seen wearing old and dirty cloths. In spite of his hard labor his income is very poor and miserable. So, his life is very hard. When he finds no work at that time he and his family have to starve. The life of a day labor is full of sufferings and sorrows. He can hardly enjoy peace and happiness. In all weather–good and bad he works hard all day long and earns his livelihood by the sweat of his brow. He does not know what rest is. Though the service of a day labor is of great importance, he is very much neglected. He lives below poverty line. He looks older than his age. He leads a sorrowful and miserable life. He is unable to educate his children owing to acute poverty. He is not hold in due respect. In spite of unhappy life he feels happy because he leads an honest life. An allegory is a symbolism device where the meaning of a greater, often abstract, concept is conveyed with the aid of a more corporeal object or idea being used as an example. Usually a rhetoric device, an allegory suggests a meaning via metaphoric examples.
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