
Discipline Composition

Man is a social being. He has to obey some rules and regulations of the society. It is called discipline. Discipline is the prerequisite of happy and planned life. It brings prosperity in life. It is ornament of human life and key to success. Discipline is the first low of nature. The sun, the moon, the planets and even tiny insects follow the rule of nature. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. The planets move round the sun in a disciplined way. The seasons of the years come one after another in regular turns. If there is no discipline in nature, the world will destroy. Discipline is also found in human body. Various organs of the body co-operate with one another. Discipline is very important in student life. If a student does not lead his life in disciplined way, he will surely fail in life. Nation cannot expect any better thing from him. Student life is the proper time of practicing discipline. It is the time of sowing of future life, So, discipline is essential in student life. Discipline is very important in every walk of life. To maintain peace and order discipline is must. Otherwise, chaos and confusion happens. Without it, a house becomes a mad house. A school, college or university cannot go a single day without discipline. A disciplined nation climbs at the top of success. On the other hand, without discipline, a nation goes towards destruction. In the long run, it can be said that discipline is must in all spheres of our life. Without it, our life becomes a life of full of sufferings. So, we must be disciplined.

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