
Paragraph Air Pollution

Air is a life giving force. Both, animals and plants inhale oxygen or carbon-dioxide from the air. So, if the air is polluted, naturally it makes a great threat to all. That's why air is an important element of our environment. But air is being polluted so severely that this problem has become a global concern at present. Air is polluted in many ways. But air pollution is more acute in urban areas because vehicles and mills and factories here emit carbon monoxide gases and smokes that pollute our city air seriously. Besides, burning of trash and indiscriminate discharge of human waste in the open air are also the cause of serious air pollution. Vehicles that emit excessive smoke should be banned. Lead-free petrol should be used and compressed air should be used in vehicles to minimise air pollution because the WHO indicates Dhaka as the most polluted city in the world. By inhaling polluted air we are falling victim bronchitis and other respiratory diseases. The best way to stop air pollution is to plant trees and take care of them. For that wildlife must be preserved and the mass cutting down of trees must be prevented.

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