
Paragraph Cultural Assault

Culture refers to the customs and beliefs, art, way of life and social organization of a particular country or group. Language, music, idea about what is bad and good, ways of working and playing, the tools and other objects made and used in a society are the elements of culture. A complete picture of a society is reflected by its culture. Patterns of behaviour and action vary from individual to individual, class to class, society to society and country to country. These differences are referred  to cultural differences . Cultures differ from society to society and country to country because what is an appropriate mode of behaviour in one culture might prove inappropriate or even rude  in other culture. For example, standing close while talking seems friendly to the people in Asian country but in western counties getting so close during a conversation is considered inappropriate. Cultural assault  means bad influence of foreign cultures on any native cultures. With the development of hi-tech media, foreign cultures are intruding  into another cultures casily. Many of the cultural elements of a country may be influenced in this way. Our Bangladeshi culture is mostly affected because of cultural assault of other countries. However, to get rid of the invasion of alien culture , we should be very much strict to exercise our own culture and flourish our cultural elements.

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