
Paragraph Facebook

Facebook is a directory of photos and basic information of its users:l their profile and information of their product. Facebook is the most popular and most largely used social net-working service with over one billion active users. Facebook expands relation among people around the world. Facebook was first founded by Mark Zucker Berg along with his roommates and classmates of Harvard University. Later on its network expanded to many other colleges and universities. More later on, its network expanded up to school level. Any students over 18 years can become a registered user of Facebook. Though Facebook gives entertainment to student-users and helps them know one another, it has now become a curse for the students. Students spend much of their valuable time in Facebook neglecting their studies. In the United States, Facebook has turned into a national obsession encouraging narcissism. Facebook has both uses and abuses. Its merits in the field of friends-making, connecting people, chatting, job-seeking and business expanding cannot be denied. The use of Facebook is expanding because one can use Facebook paying a very little to internet service provider. Another reason is that it helps us to make us public to the world's people most importantly. A user can avail "Privacy Protection Measure" if hell she desires so. In spite of all these, the demerits of Facebook in derailing teenagers and even the adult cannot also be denied. It is now almost equally used and abused. We should take all possible steps so that this blessing does not turn into a curse.

লেখা-লেখি করতে ভালোবাসেন? লেখালেখির মাধ্যমে উপার্জন করতে যুক্ত হতে পারেন আমাদের সাথে Telegram এ!
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