
Paragraph Female Education

Education is the fullest development of body, mind and soul together. Everyone has right to take education. No discrimination  should be made between male and female while receiving education. But discrimination is made between male and female in our country while receiving education. So the condition of female education in our country is not satisfactory . There are some barriers  on the way of female education. Religious misinterpretation and social strictures  discourage, often prevent girls from going to co-education schools. Even in urban schools girls are not allowed by many parents to live in student halls because they fear for their girls' safety. Early marriage and child birth make women tied to home, with no possibility of going back to school. Any expenditure  for sending girls to school is considered wastage  by many parents. Many parents believe that their main responsibility in life is to prepare their daughter for marriage and child bearing, not for her own individual life. Illiteracy, superstitious beliefs  narrowness of parents' mind and mentality are some of the reasons behind these barriers. These barriers or problems can be removed by spreading education widely. Encouraging female education is very important. Because of the fact that women comprise half of our population. If they are not allowed to be involved in workforce, sustainable  development will never be obtained. In fact, the importance of female education for our overall development cannot be denied  in the true sense of the term.

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