
Paragraph Internet and its Importance

Internet is the latest means of communication. It is a new scientific device for quick and speedy newS transmission. It is a computer based (@fometta fofe*) networking system through which we can send news and views in the shortest possible time. We can share our feelings, emotions and attitudes with our near and dear ones of home and abroad (Tal-forcycºta) through internet in a minute. We can send messages and information to any corner of the globe in the twinkling of an eye (CBTC** 4HC*). But it has not widely spread all over Bangładesh and the price of computer is still high. Besides, most of the people of our country do not have the knowledge of internet service. So most of the people of Bangladesh are deprived (45) of the benefit of it. So people should be taught how to operate a computer and how to use internet. Internet service should be introduced everywhere in Bangladesh and brought within the reach (নাগালের/ সাধ্যের মধ্যে আনা) of the common people.

লেখা-লেখি করতে ভালোবাসেন? লেখালেখির মাধ্যমে উপার্জন করতে যুক্ত হতে পারেন আমাদের সাথে Telegram এ!
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