
Paragraph Modern Technology

Modern technology is the latest scientific knowledge used in practical ways. It is a great blessing for present civilization. We see the use of modern technology in every sphere of our life. It is being used in industry, communication, medical treatment, household activities etc. Medicine, cosmetic products, clothes are nothing but the products of modern technology. Radio, television, computer, refrigerator, dish antenna etc are the gifts of modern technology. These things have made our life enjoyable, comfortable and entertaining. The impacts of technology are very great in our life in the true sense of the term. Technology has made the world a global village. With the blessings of mobile phone, internet, television, computer we can know in an instant what is happening in the farthest corner of the world. We can communicate with anyone living at any place in the world within seconds. Technology can be used for the greater welfare of mankind. Technology is used in diagnosing and curing very complex diseases. We can travel very quickly from one country to another by using fastest aircrafts. Technology can also be used in space, sea, mountain, desert etc for the greater welfare of mankird. With the use of technology now we can find out the lost ships or planes in the deep sea or ocean. Staying at home we can do business with foreign countries through the use of modern technology. Modern technology has made our life more improved and developed. In fact, we cannot do without modern technology.

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