
Paragraph Our War of Independence

The war that usually takes place for the independence of a land that is enduring injustice , exploitation  and deprivation  is called the war of independence. Bangladesh got its independence in 1971 after a long bloody battle of nine months. In fact, the background of this war brewed in the Language Movement in 1952 and in the Mass Upsurge  in 1969. The people of this land dreamt of independence in the face of injustice they received from the rulers of the then Pakistan . When the freedom loving people of this land raised their voice against injustice and exploitation, the Pakistani rulers set their armed forces  on the civilian people cantare  of this land. To put down the voice of the freedom loving people the occupation  forces brought about massacre  at night on 25 March 1971 launching our War of Independence. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the pioneer of our freedom fighting, was arrested. People from all sections irrespective of caste and creed , race and religion, came out with rustic weapons to fight the occupation forces. They fought guerrilla fighting against occupation forces who were armed to the teeth. A force called Mukti Bahini was formed. They fought guerrilla fighting dividing the country into eleven sectors. The occupation forces killed civilian people indiscriminately  including intellectuals , doctors, engineers and teachers. But they could not materialise  their evil end. They gave in to the will of the people of this land. Because the weapons of the freedom loving people need not be very big. At last on 16 December 1971 people of this land got victory over the freedom fighting and a country named Bangladesh came into being at the cost of 3 million lives. Every year we celebrate  our independence with great enthusiasm.

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