
Paragraph Satellite TV Channels

Satellite TV channels are those channels that telecast  television programmes to the different parts of the world via  satellite Satellite telecasting has added new dimensions  to television Nowadays a huge number of satellite channels telecast a wide range of programmes of varied interest. The programmes of all the channels are not beneficial . Some channels like Discovery, National Geographic, CNN, BBC telecast highly informative programmes and can enrich our mind with sage and sagacity . On the contrary , some channels like TV-6, MTV, HBO, AXN, REN-TV cause cultural decay and moral degeneration because they are full of nudism  and vulgarism , It has a negative role in our society. Some channels cause cultural assault and moral degradation. Foreign cultures are frequently intruding into our country. Our national culture can be fostered   and enriched by avoiding those immoral programms and showing respect to our own culture and tradition. Our own cultural heritage and elements should be introduced to the new generation. It is true that the programmes of some satellite TV channels are destructive. Those programmes which are harmful should be avoided . That's to say, constructive  programmes of the satellite TV channels should be enjoyed. We also have to find out how to derive the best benefit from satellite TV channals keeping its evil up to the minimum limit. Otherwise, moral degradation  will take place and social stability will be destroyed. 

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