
Village Market Composition

The place is used by village people for buying and selling their commodities is called a village market. People gather here once or two times in a week. This market has great importance in economic and social life of the village people. It is a meeting place of far and near people. There are two kinds of village market. One is hat and the other is bazar. Some village markets sit daily in the morning. They are called bazar. On other hand, some village markets sit one or two days in a week. They are called hat. Hat generally sits in the aftemoon. A village market generally sits on the bank of a river or canal or by the side of a big road or under a banyan tree. There are two kinds of shops in the village market. They are permanent shops and temporary shops. Grocers, tailors, cloths sellers, potters blacksmiths, goldsmiths have permanent shops. Daily necessary things such as fish, meat, milk, vegetables, rice, betel leaf etc. are sold in the temporary shops. A village market is a very important to the villagers. Villagers can sell their own goods in the village market. As a result, they can earn some money. Besides, the necessary things are cheaper here. Actually, a village market is a meeting place of the villagers. They can meet their relatives and exchange their greetings. There are some arrangements of entertainment in a village market. Though these arrangements of entertainment in a village market. Though these arrangements are very small, people get much amusement. In the midst of the hat, Postman delivers letter. In spite of having a lot of merits, a village market has some demerits too. Generally a village market is a dirty place which is harmful for health. Sometimes, goods get spoiled for want of customers. Valuable goods are not sold here. Health rules are not maintained here. Sweetmeats and other foods are kept uncovered. Theft and pick pocketing often take place. In the long run, a village market is a part and parcel of village life. It has great economic value. It provides the greatest facilities to the villagers. So, discipline must be maintained in village market.

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