
Who Will Tie Bell in the Cat's Neck Story

Once some mice were having a good time in a barn. Being fed-up with the loss of cereals, the owner brought a cat. The cat at first could not understand what to do. As the mice have been in the barn for a long time, they made it as their home. They know how to manage everything well. They started eating and the cat was taking preparation to kill the mice. The mice were strong and united but they were afraid of the cat. The presence of the cat upset their comfortable life. They were in tension and began to think what to do. Whenever, the cat went to the barn, they hid themselves. Then they held a meeting how to get rid of this trouble. One of them said there would be a ring in the neck of the cat. When the cat would start coming here, they would listen to the ring and flee away. It was appreciated first but next question arose who would bell.

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