Shaikh Sadi was a great poet. He used to put on simple dress. Once he took shelter in the house of a nobleman The nobleman could not recognize him and treated him as an ordinary man. Without disclosing identity, the great poet left the house in the next morning. The nobleman did not know who he was though he knew about the greatness and name and fame of Shaikh Sa'di. After a couple of months Shaikh Sa'di came to the same house to spend a night on the way back home from the court. But he was then dressed in royal suit. When he reached the nobleman's house, he was accorded warm reception. The nobleman entertained him in a different manner. He treated the poet as a great man though he was still unknown about his identity. "Why am I respected in this manner?" thought the poet. He understood that the dress that he wore was the roo cause of the variation of entertainment. So he wanted to teach the nobleman a good lesson. The poet took the foods given him to eat and began to put them into his pocket. The noble man and all his companions became surprised at this. "What are you doing, sir?' asked the nobleman. "These foods are made for my dress," replied the poet. The nobleman understood his fault and sought pardon from the royal guest.
Witty Sadi Story

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