
Advantages and Disadvantages of Cellular Phone Composition

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cellular Phone
Mobile Phone - its Positive and Negative Sides
Uses and Abuses of Cellular Phone

Mobile phone is one of the wonders of science. It is a telephone system that works without any wire. It has added a new dimension our life and communication system. It has changed our life style too. But disadvantages or abuses are not one but many.

A mobile phone has manifold uses. It is a multi-functional electronic device. We get in touch with people at anytime and anywhere under the sun through this little set. It can be moved early and quickly from place to place. It has a watch and alarm timer. We can also solve the work of calculation. We may be aware of different kinds of news and views with a handset of cellular phone. 

It serves as a radio, an MP3 player, a camera, a video camera, a video game and a computer. We can store a lot of data in the form of songs, mini videos, video clippings, useful information and messages. We can play a lot of games on the phone. Time really flies by if we have mobile phone with us. So we cannot think of modem life without it. At present, the popularity of mobile phone is increasing.  

With all its advantages, cellular phone has some drawbacks in disguise. Scientists have recently discovered that it can cause cancer to the users. Sometimes it becomes the cause of health hazards, specially the children are affected much. Scientists believe that mobile phone causes brain tumours, genetic damage and many other incurable diseases. They believe that invisible uncontrolled radio activity of the phone causes irreparable damage to human body. Doctors say if a user continues his conversation more than two minutes, the blood brain barrier gets damaged. The blood pressure gets high. Red cells are damaged if a person gets unbroken exposure to radiation caused by cellular phone. It is also harmful for the pregnant woman. 

Extensive use or long chats with cell phone worry other people. in the public places. It is a kind of incursion of privacy. Being allured by the trap of cheap mid night calls, the youngsters pass sleepless nights. They have developed a careless life style under the impact of their disrupted sleep and fatigue. What is more fearful than this? The terrorists are using it to spread out terrorism all around the world. Privacy always hampers for continuous irritating calls or missed calls. Attention breaks down on the part of the students. 

At one point, it seems that the negative sides of cellular phone excel the positive sides. But the proper uses cannot be denied. In fact, the ever-growing menace of mobile phone abuses has been viewed seriously by the conscious section of the people.

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