
Composition Floods of Bangladesh

Flood is a one kind of natural disaster. It causes untold harm to the lives and properties of people. It is an annual natural disaster for Bangladesh
The causes of flood are many. Excessive rainfall is the main cause of it. Rivers and canals can not carry the rain water to the sea rapidly. So, there is rapid increase of water in the rivers and canals which overflow their banks and cause of flood. The capacity of carrying water of our river is reducing day by day. As a result, the lower land of the country easily goes under water and it causes flood. Sometimes, tidal bores cause flood.
Though flood visits our country almost every year, the floods of 1998 and 2004 affected almost all over the country. They had broken all the previous records of losses and miseries.
The losses of floods beggar description. Houses, crops and cattle are washed away. Trees are uprooted. People become foodless and shelter less. They take shelter on the high roads and buildings. They have to starve days together. Epidemic and famine break out in the affected areas. So, various kinds of diseases like cholera, typhoid and dysentery break out in an epidemic form. There is the scarcity of food, clothes and drinking water everywhere. 
Though it is not possible to remove flood, we can reduce the losses taking some preventing measures. We have to increase the depth of our rivers. Proper embankments should be constructed. A well planned irrigation system must be managed. Above all, long and short term plans must be taken to implicate these. 
Though flood causes great losses to us, it does a little bit good for us. It makes our land fertile by carrying silt. It also washes away filth and dirt.

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