
Composition Natural Calamities of Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a country of natural calamities. Flood, cyclone, storm, heavy rainfall, drought etc. visit almost every year in this country. People have to survive fighting against these natural disasters.
Flood is a common natural disaster in Bangladesh. Almost every year it visits our country and causes great harm to our lives and properties. People become homeless and foodless. They have to starve for days together. Houses and cattle are washed away. Trees are uprooted. People have to take shelter on the top of high roads and buildings. They suffer from many diseases. Cholera, typhoid, dysentery etc. break out in an epidemic form in the affected areas. People need food, clothes and drinking water. The floods of 1998 and 2004 are the example of such flood.
Cyclone is another natural disaster in our country. It also visits almost every year. It hits our country especially in summer or in late autumn season. The losses of cyclone beggar description. Trees and houses are razed to the ground. Boats of fishermen are capsized. Dangerous tidal bores sweep away houses and cattle. People become foodless and shelter less. They suffer from different kinds of water borne diseases.
Heavy rainfall and drought are also common in Bangladesh. In rainy season, sometimes rain lasts for days together. As a result, this excessive rainfall overflows rivers and canal banks. It causes flood. On the other hand, the existence of drought in our country is not less. In summer seasons, it causes great harm to our crops. Some parts of the country become just like desert. Farmers have to suffer a lot due to lack of water. This natural disaster has very adverse effects on flora and fauna.
Our people always have to fight against these natural calamities. We can not prevent them. But, disaster preparation and post disaster proper management can reduce the losses.

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