
Composition Value of Sport

We all more or less fond of sport. The success in life depends on work. But only to carry the luggage of work is not man's work. He also needs entertainment side by side work. Sport is an important source of entertainment. It is inevitable to develop our body and mind too.
The importance of sport beggars description. It is said that health is wealth. Sport is essential to make body beautifully. Sound mind lies in sound body. Sport is the prerequisite of keeping sound mind and sound body. Sport keeps a man healthy, active and energetic. If body remains unhealthy, a man's all works fail. So keeping good health, sport is very important in human life.
There is clean cheerfulness in sport. Sports have been acquiring popularity from very long time as a pure source of pleasure. A life without joy is never considered as a beautiful life. Sport relieves a man from monotony of work and helps him to enter a joyful world. Sport has great influence on human body and mind. To make developed minded man, sport is very important. The acquaintance of hopeless, joyless, inactive man can find in life without sport. Very strong body, joyous mind, lively life all are related to sport. Sport develops the qualities of discipline, generosity, cooperation, carefulness, brotherhood etc. Sport brings bravery and activity. Sport increases ready wit. Sport brings patience and happiness in life. Sport gives us vigor and energy and removes our anxieties. Sport teaches a man a sense of comradeship. No player can play only for himself. He must obey the captain. He must place the interest of the team above everything else.
Sport thus plays an important role to make a man complete in life. Sport is very necessary for sound mentality. So everybody should take part in sport side by side works.

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