
Composition Winter Season/Winter in Bangladesh

There are six seasons in Bangladesh. The winter season is one of them. Paush and Magh are the months of winter season. It comes after the late autumn season. 
Winter is the season of fog. Dew drops fall at night. In the morning, the dew drops look like pearls. The sky remains cloudless. Trees become leafless. Children and old men bask in the sun in the morning. Men shiver with cold. Poor people suffer much from cold. Even the animals and insects feel the pinch of cold. The rich use their warm clothes but the poor do not get such opportunity. They keep themselves by burning dry leaves, hay and other things. In the winter season, the days are short and the nights are long. 
This season has a lot of advantages. Vegetables and fishes are available everywhere in the winter season. Date juice is also available in the village. The price of fruits falls comparatively. Because, different kinds of fruits grow in plenty in the winter season. People can take taste of different kinds of cakes in the winter season. The payesh of date juice can be enjoyed only in the winter season. Besides, the paddy fields remain dry and clear in this season. On the other hand, the weather remains dry then. As a result, village people can enjoy fair, jatra, jariagan, kabigan etc. Children can also take part in different outdoor games. 
Winter season has some demerits too. Poor people suffer much due to excessive winter. Old people become weaker due to severe winter. Generally people get up late in the morning. As a result, they do not get much time to work. Besides, days are comparatively short in winter season. 
Though winter season has some disadvantages, it is enjoyable. Almost all the places of the country are then dry. So, the communication of Bangladesh is comparatively easy then.

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