
Democracy —its Future in Bangladesh Composition

Democracy —its Future in Bangladesh
Practice of Democracy in Bangladesh
Democracy in Bangladesh

Democracy is the best system of government having world wide popularity. It is not firmly rooted and well-practised in Bangladesh. It is at the stage of infancy here. But it must be established in every sphere of life.

The word, 'democracy' has been derived from Greek words, "Demos' and 'Kratia". Demos" means people and 'Kratia' means rule or administration. In this sense, democracy is the rule of people. Abraham Lincoln defines it as the government of the people, by the people and for the people. It signifies that public opinion is highly recognised in democracy.

Democracy enjoys several striking features. It embodies equality, friendship and liberty. It aims at seeing all eye to eye. It sets to preserve the basic right of all people. The votes of people are preserved in democracy. People can elect their leaders as they wish. Democracy ensures the rule of law. Here all are equal in the eye of law. In addition to them, the elected leaders are always bound to the voters for their duties and responsibilities. Discrimination between the male and female is not admitted in this system. Freedom of press and other media is a remarkable criterion of democracy.

Parliamentary democracy in Bangladesh is long waiting. It started here after her independence in 1971. The constitution of Bangladesh passed in 1972 is the best indication. Later on, numerous amendments were made. They paved the way for the military dictation. After a serious uproar in 1990, Bangladesh got rid of dictatorship. So the parliamentary democracy in a sense was restored. But the real democracy is not even today established. Bangladesh is a democratic country in the words of a ruling party. The political environment of the country is totally democratic in the eyes of those who assume power. In our country, the ruling party holds a firm opinion that they love people democratically. They kill people and indulge in corruption democratically. They can more or less forge votes democratically. In a word, all they do is to be considered democratic.

Both the position and opposition parties claim themselves democratic. But they are not democratic at all in attitude and in words. They always promise to the common people before the general election. They consider them greater above all. But they forget after being elected. They only do for themselves and their political party. They are top to bottom partisan. They encourage bribery and corruption for the sake of party. Moreover, the major opposition parties always allege the ruling party. They are usually absent in the parliament. They are always engaged in finding falts with the ruling party. They do not find any success of the government except the failure. Similarly, the ruling party consider themselves as more democratic tham the opposition. Thus each party is apt to consider itself fully democratic. Others are principally undemocratic

The politics of Bangladesh is mainly revolving round two large political parties. Except Awami League and BNP, other parties have no influence and basis in the rural areas. So it seems that the future of democracy depends on Awami League and BNP. But their hostitle relation foreshadows the more evil days of democracy in Bangladesh. Political and religious terrorism is gripping the country. It is taking away the lives of many innocent people. RAB, police and other law and order-controlling organisations are violating the human rights. They are misusing their power and causing serious damage to the harmless people. They often threaten them to demand handsome bribe. Corruption, nepotism, bribery, terrorism, power of muscle, murder, strike, hartal, boycott, blocade, sabotage, price hike etc. have suffocated democracy. They are a serious threat for running democracy in Bangladesh. So the future of democracy in this country is not satisfactory.

Democracy is actually the best form of government despite some of its minor faults. It is often regarded as the rule of ignorant people. The prospect of democracy in Bangladesh depends on the good will and consciousness of our national leaders. But in Bangladesh, democracy seems to be a very favourite slogan. It is much to be talked of than to apply. We may hope that in the future democracy in our country will tend to more and more perfection.

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