
E-mail to your younger brother to avoid fast foods

Suppose, your younger brother is getting habituated to eat fast foods more & more. Write an email to your younger brother to avoid fast foods.
Sent:January 22, 2018, Monday 7.00pm

Subject : About the negative effects of fast food

Hi Ameer,
How are you?
I wanted to call you last night but I couldn't for some reason. My main concern that made me write to you is your health. Your food habits: the way I see it (please don't take it negatively), you seem to be having only fast foods all day. These kinds of foods should not be taken on regular basis. Because fast food is high in sodium, saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol, it is not something you should eat often. Eating such food too much over a long period of time can lead to health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity. It is helpful to remember that with fast food, moderation  is important. People also often drink soda when they eat fast food which adds 'empty' calories to the meal. Today, many fast food chains are changing their menu so there are more healthy options to choose from. For example, some chains no longer serve foods with trans fat, and some others have menu items that contain fruits and vegetables. If you are having fast food more than once a week, try to make a healthier choice. 
Take care and please don't ever put your health at risk. Exercises and prayer works and you strong. 

God Bless you. 
Shamim Alauddin

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