
Emily Dickinson Paragraph

Emily Dickinson

Emily Dickinson is regarded as the greatest woman poet in American literature. She was born on December 10, 1830. She was born in a small American town called Amherst. The town was situated in the Connecticut Valley of Massachusetts. Edward Dickinson was the father of Emily. He was a lawyer and a Congressman. Emily Norcross Dickinson was his wife. Emily Dickinson seemed to start her education at home. She was four years at primary school. She passed seven years at Amherst Academy. But in 1847, she went to Mount Holyoke Female Seminary at South Hadley. She had a year there. Here she met Helen Fiske or Helen Hunt Jackson who achieved fame by writing Ramona. In 1853, she traveled to Boston and Washington, D.C. During this trip, she visited Philadelphia. She met here Charles Wadsworth who was a married clergyman. It is believed that she had fallen in love with this clergyman. Another legend says that she fell in love with Benjamin Franklin Newton. But she never married. From 1840 to 1855, she lived with her family in a house on North Pleasant Street. Her father died in 1874. She died on May 15, 1886. After her death, she left over a thousand unpublished poems. Her poems are published posthumously. Because only seven of her poems appeared in print during her lifetime. The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson published in 1924. In 1945, Bolts of Melody brought to light. The Poems of Emily Dickinson came to light in 1955. It is no exaggeration to say that Emily lives today in her poems after her death.

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