
Eve-teasing Paragraph


Eve-teasing in our country has been spread like a contagious disease. It is the sign of social degradation. It means to disturb woman physically or mentally by men. It is a euphemism used in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal. Actually, Eve has a Biblical reference. Now-a-days this term has bean mostly discussed. School and college gates or the street is the main target of the wayward young men to disturb girls or women. It is increasing and spreading everywhere like cancer. This harassment comes from various paths of life. They are rich and poor, educated and uneducated, teenage boys, rickshaw-pullers, bus drivers, street vendors, traffic police and often supervisors or colleagues of working woman. Young boys and men stand in front of the institutions and in the turn of the roads to tease the girls and women. They propose to make love with them. They throw indecent remarks on them. Sometimes, they pull the scarves of the girls and their uniforms. Eve-teasing leaves a deeper and longer term psychological scars. Psychologists opine that the lack of religious values, absence of family ties, want of female education and shortage of moral education are responsible for this hateful social evil. Our cinema has depicted eve-teasing as a part of starting an affair or courtship. Education Ministry of Bangladesh has designated 13 June 2010 as Eve-teasing Protection Day. Eve-teasing now has been replaced by "Sexual Harassment”. After ensuring gender equality and empowering women we can lessen eve-teasing. Law enforcers should arrest criminals and bring them to trial.

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