
Flood, A Common Natural Calamity in Bangladesh Paragraph

Flood, A Common Natural Calamity in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is such a country that is affected by various natural calamities almost every year. It seems that these natural calamities are daily companions of Bangladeshis. For this reason Bangladesh is called a land of natural calamities. Floods, cyclones, drought, erosion, excessive rain are the common natural calamities in our country. Among the calamities, flood is the most common here. When a large amount of water submerges a large area that is usually dry, then we say that there is a flood. Generally flood occurs in the months of 'Ashar' & 'Shraban.' It is mainly caused by heavy shower of rains. Flood causes a big loss of lives and properties. Crops, streets, roads and even houses go under water. As a result, affected people suffer in many ways. They become homeless and helpless and take shelter on house roofs, trees, boats and embankments. Their miseries continue even after the flood ends. After flood, famine and epidemic break out and take away a lot of lives.Last year a terrible flood occured in our southern part and destroyed lots of houses and properties.

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