
Gender Discrimination Paragraph

Gender Discrimination

Gender discrimination is not a new concept in our society. It has a long history. In our society, women have always been considered subservient to men. We always have a tendency to discriminate in favour of men. Women are treated in every sphere of life in a very bad way. Several factors are responsible for such gender discrimination in our society. Mainly, we are living in a patriarchal society. Most of the houses in our country are male dominated, usually by earning husbands. They always think that their female counterparts are inferior and unimportant. Another cause of gender discrimination in our country is the low female literacy. Most women are not aware of their rights for illiteracy. They can never assert their authority. They always accept the male domination without any protest. There is a traditional belief in this respect. Women are in every respect weaker than men. This is also to some extent responsible for gender discrimination. Some religions preach in favour of men. They believe that women's position in society is lower than that of men. This also causes gender discrimination. The society should ensure equal rights and privileges for men and women instead of being prejudiced against women.

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